Lavender Award!

Since starting my blog, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of traffic on my blog! Therefore, I have decided to create a fun ‘award’! All you have to do is create a blog post and answer the questions, and tag upcoming and new bloggers which have under 50 followers.

The idea of this is to give new bloggers more confidence, and to showcase them! It’s also a fun way of getting everybody involved together!

Lavender award

The rules:

  1. Give a shout out/mention, including a link to their blog page, to the person who nominated you.
  2. Include the ‘Lavender Award’ logo in your blog post.
  3. You answer the 10 questions that you were given (if you are nominated).
  4. You then create 10 questions for the people you nominate to answer.
  5. Use the tag ‘lavenderaward’ so people can follow the award as it spreads throughout the blogging world!
  6. You then nominate at least 5 bloggers who haven’t received many followers/ likes yet, making sure that you contact them to let them know.

So, the big question is.. Who do I nominate? I’ve chosen these blogs ⬇ because I love all of their posts, and I think that they deserve more followers! Check them out and you’ll understand what I’m saying! ❤

My questions:

  • What is your dream job and why?
  • If you could be anything in the world instead of a human, what would it be?
  • What’s your biggest hobby and why do you love it so much?
  • If you could play a musical instrument what would it be?
  • Favourite food?
  • Favourite skincare/beauty product and why?
  • What makes you smile the most?
  • If you could change the world, what would you do and why?
  • Favourite blogger?
  • Who is your role model and why?And there you have it! I enjoyed creating this, it took so long to complete but I hope it brings happiness to bloggers!

    Hannah x

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