So I have been so MIA recently and I’m so sorry for that; so to make up for it, I’ve decided to do a Q and A post. But for that, I need YOUR help!

Please, please, please ask me questions whether its personal, makeup related (although please bare in mind I don’t wear much makeup :):roll:), hobbies, education info, or just random stuff!

So please get asking! If I get enough questions, I’ll make a post!

💜 Hannah ❤

My Birthday!

So guys… IT’S MY 17th BIRTHDAY TODAY!! 🎉🎂💫🍕 I had my very first driving lesson, and it went so well! 🚙🚙


I got so many things which I am SO grateful for!! I’m just going to list everything :)😋

Coloured paper and Container
2 blouses from Marks and Spencers
Lindors (‘plain’ and ‘strawberries and cream’)
Drawing inks
Hand wash and cream duo
Decopauge jewellery tree
Rimmel Lipstick
Rimmel Nail Varnish
Rimmel Bronzer (came free with the two above ⬆)
Personalised pen

I also had a massage and makeover from my younger sister Sophie ❤ and a late afternoon picnic consisting of crisps and biscuits!

Domino’s Pizza for tea! And of course my birthday cake 😍😍😍🎂

I’ve had such a great day! 😍🍰🚙🍕🎉🎂🚗🍫😘🚺💟💫

💜 Hannah ❤

What to get a mum who has every thing she wants/needs, for her birthday?

My mum is super difficult to buy for, she doesn’t wear makeup, and has specific skin care/ hair care products. We have literally filled the house with ornaments and flowers, and bought clothing items so many times. We’ve also recently bought her a new watch and jewellery set, basically everything that I can think of!

I want to get my mum something different, and as she is turning 40, I want it to be more special than usual. What are your ideas? I am in need of some inspiration from you guys!! 💕😘

💜 Hannah ❤

May Favourites

I know this us a little late, but I’ve been caught up with college work 😴 On a good note, it’s my birthday on the 10th June! (Wednesday 😍😁) so that’s really exciting!

I thought I’d try doing a monthly favourites post as they are quite popular 😍 so here goes:


I absolutely LOVE this Ted Baker body spray. It’s sweet and has a lovely scent, I love love love it!


This neutragena 2-in-1 face wash and mask is a life saver! My skin is much more smoother in just a few weeks.
⭐The wash is really easy to apply – it lathers well and washes off easily.
⭐The mask is more comfortable than your usual clay mask (you don’t get a burning face) and it dries quickly, and leaves your face smooth!
I 100% recommend this product as I have nothing bad to say about it!


With my skin condition keratosis pilaris, I have to have shower gels with no soap in them. The Sanex zero collection is perfect for me and they have a really nice range. This dermo repair one has a really smooth, creamy texture which feels lush on the skin! Another bonus is that the smell is heavenly, I can’t explain the fragrance so you’ll just have to try it! ⭐Sanex Zero is a really good range to use, I also use the deodorant as it has no aluminium in it. They are very good for your skin, and I really recommend testing them out!


I used to have herbal essences, for long hair, products but they changed the fragrance and its not so nice anymore 😦 so I had a look around and I came across L’oreal Elvive nutri-gloss and I wanted to try it. They are lovely and creamy, and have a sweet smell to them. I am open to trying different hair products as it didn’t blow me away (but I would never dismiss them as they are really nice), do you guys have an recommendations that aren’t too expensive? 🙂

So there you have my May Favourites! I hope you’ve enjoyed it! What posts would you like to see on my blog? I’d love to hear your feedback!

💜 Hannah ❤

One word tag

So this is my one word tag, where I have to answer the questions using just ONE word!

Where is your cell phone?

Your partner?

Your hair?

Your mother?

Your father?

Your favourite material object?

Your dream from last night?

Your favourite drink?

Your dream car?

The room in which you are right now?

Your ex?

Your fear?

What do you want to be in 10 years?

Who did you spend last night?

Where are you now?

What did you do last night?

What’s the last thing you did before this?

What are you wearing?

Your favourite book?

The last thing you ate?

Your life?

Your mood?

Your friends?

What are you thinking about right now?

What are you doing now?

Your summer?

What’s on your TV?

The last time you laughed?

The last time you cried?


What are you listening to?

Your favourite weekend activity?

Dream job?

Your computer?

Just outside your window?
–  Garden


Mexican food?




On your bed?

I nominate everyone! I’d love to see your answers 🙂 😉

💜 Hannah ❤

Lavender Award!

Since starting my blog, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the amount of traffic on my blog! Therefore, I have decided to create a fun ‘award’! All you have to do is create a blog post and answer the questions, and tag upcoming and new bloggers which have under 50 followers.

The idea of this is to give new bloggers more confidence, and to showcase them! It’s also a fun way of getting everybody involved together!

Lavender award

The rules:

  1. Give a shout out/mention, including a link to their blog page, to the person who nominated you.
  2. Include the ‘Lavender Award’ logo in your blog post.
  3. You answer the 10 questions that you were given (if you are nominated).
  4. You then create 10 questions for the people you nominate to answer.
  5. Use the tag ‘lavenderaward’ so people can follow the award as it spreads throughout the blogging world!
  6. You then nominate at least 5 bloggers who haven’t received many followers/ likes yet, making sure that you contact them to let them know.

So, the big question is.. Who do I nominate? I’ve chosen these blogs ⬇ because I love all of their posts, and I think that they deserve more followers! Check them out and you’ll understand what I’m saying! ❤

My questions:

  • What is your dream job and why?
  • If you could be anything in the world instead of a human, what would it be?
  • What’s your biggest hobby and why do you love it so much?
  • If you could play a musical instrument what would it be?
  • Favourite food?
  • Favourite skincare/beauty product and why?
  • What makes you smile the most?
  • If you could change the world, what would you do and why?
  • Favourite blogger?
  • Who is your role model and why?And there you have it! I enjoyed creating this, it took so long to complete but I hope it brings happiness to bloggers!

    Hannah x


So today I had my first day of work experience! It’s in a cafe, but it also does crafty activities (decopatch/painting on pottery) I thought it would be the perfect place seeing as I am an art student 🎓🎨✏


I got to decopatch this cute little giraffe ⬆while we were waiting for customers 🙂 It’s basically paper mache, and you can choose from so many different patterned papers 😍😍

Super fun, and super easy! I’m really creative, what about you?

Hannah x